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Shariah: Freedoms and Restraints in Islam (The Quran Book 6)


Another ludicrous charge by Islamophobes is that the small minority of Muslims (less than one percent) of the US population wants to impose Shariah law upon 99 percent of Americans. It will come as a shock to many readers that the true Shariah also guarantees complete freedom of religion.



Demagogues and Islamophobes routinely demonize the word Shariah as incompatible with the United States Constitution. The purpose of volume six is to present all the verses of the Quran regarding Islamic laws or Shariah in the proper context and let the readers decide if Shariah is compatible with the US Constitution. Another ludicrous charge by Islamophobes is that the small minority of Muslims (less than one percent) of the US population wants to impose Shariah law upon 99 percent of Americans. It will come as a shock to many readers that the true Shariah also guarantees complete freedom of religion. Anyone, whether Muslim or not, who is willing to have his preconceived notions regarding Islam shattered should read this book. This book is not for those with weak faith or closed minds.

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