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The Quran the Quranic Description of the New Testament Prophets (Zachariah, Mary, John the Baptist, and Jesus) and Monotheism of Islam Versus Christia


The Quran impresses upon all who believe in God-Muslims and non-Muslims alike-that the differences in their religious practices should make them vie with one another in doing good works rather than lose themselves in mutual hostility.



Jesus, or Isa in Arabic, is mentioned in the Quran more than one hundred times. The Quran describes Jesus in the most exalted terms as righteous and pure. Jesus holds the distinction among all other prophets in his supernatural birth and is referred as Messiah more than ten times. However, the Quran differs regarding the nature of Jesus. The most important commonality between Islam and Christianity is the teachings of Jesus. Most of the teachings of Jesus as documented in the first three Synoptic Gospels are consistent with Islamic teachings. The Quran impresses upon all who believe in God-Muslims and non-Muslims alike-that the differences in their religious practices should make them vie with one another in doing good works rather than lose themselves in mutual hostility.

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